Monday 11 March 2013


I'm not in the mood for writing a long post so...

Here's a picture of my Senegal Parrot, Bella. Picture by : Jessica Huang...

Saturday 9 March 2013

So, new prologue.

Me. Photo by Jessica Huang. 

Just thought the post needed some visuals. 

Hello guys. So I think I may have told you that I restarted my book. ANYWAY... I'll be positing the full prologue here, it's unedited and I wrote it in less than an hour. The book is badly named Huntress at the moment but I don't think it will be called that very much longer. After you read the prologue please give suggestions for a possible name. The book is about shape-shifters. Okay well enjoy, and if you don't give suggestions as to how I can improve! Thanks...


Pain.  Shifting. Creaking. Blood. Pain.

I didn't know what was happening until it was too late. Until I felt my very being shift and my very DNA change. Then, only then did I know. I was becoming something else. I didn't know how this could possibly happen, but it didn't matter, because I knew.

The first time I changed I was out in a beautiful darkened forest with treetops that caressed the heavens. I was at one with nature for the first time. I was only sixteen, so young and innocent, not knowing what real pain felt like. But a disturbing thought told me I was about to. As I walked through the luscious greenery I felt a sharp pain in my side, the colors of the forest were gone, and in that moment I only saw black. I felt a thud, and then I knew I was down. I felt something within me shifting, changing. My bones were in pain as if someone was slowly pulling my joints apart. And then I could smell it, iron bitterness, blood. I knew whatever was happening was not natural; it wasn’t something that any doctor could comprehend. I don’t know exactly how long I lay there on the beautiful blood stained grass, but when my vision finally banished the blackness, things were different. I wasn't just me anymore, I was something else. When I realised that, the real pain started, the inner pain of confusion and loneliness. I was no longer human. I knew that instantly. I was smaller with wings and a frail build. My long dark ebony hair no longer kissed my back, but golden feathers now grew from within my scaly skin that I acquired. I was a bird. My head was at war with itself. My brain told me it was a dream but it felt more real than life. I lifted my wings and felt their emanating power. It was at instinct that I lifted off the lifeless ground and returned to the place that now belonged to my form. The sky was a perfect piece of art with the sun setting behind the feathery clouds. I felt at piece. My wings beat fervently against the chilling wind and my soul joined in, leaping and gliding towards only god knows what.  The happiness subsided as soon as it arrived though and my peace fell apart. I was a beautiful bird but I knew that just hours ago I was an ordinary girl. I didn't want to wake up from this form, and I didn't even know how I’d change back. My family would have been looking for me by now. My mind reeled towards my human life, and as soon as it did I felt myself plummeting towards the earth. The earth, where I truly belonged. My wings beat out of sync. I tried to stop myself from being hurled into death. But it was too late. Blackness joined my senses once more and then….

Pain. Shifting. Creaking. Blood. Pain.
I wasn't dead, but I was back to the vapid old me. The human. I looked around me, blood filled the gaps between the grasses but my limbs no longer ached. I was stronger than before in a way. More powerful, but I was also confused and frightened. My mother would be wondering where I've gotten off to. We only moved into the country a month ago, because it was safer than the city. If I didn't return soon my mother would have us packed up and leaving, she’d think something dangerous happened to me. My clothes, were full of blood and dirt, but that didn't stop me from lunging off the ground and sprinting in the direction of my beautiful country home.

I snuck into my bedroom through an open window. My room was on the first floor of the two story house, so it was easy enough. In only seconds I was out of my battered clothes and in the shower. What I’d do with the clothes was out of my mind, I’d burn them or something. After the refreshing shower I had to play same old Rogue again. I made up a story to my mother as to how I got into the house UN detected. Since that afternoon I noticed my lying improved and my body no longer faltered at pain. I was stronger. I was more than human. I knew that. 

Okay so that's the prologue. 
Follow me on tumblr, I only post photos there.

Monday 4 March 2013

Tryll series by Amanda Hocking: Book three - Ascend

I finished this book today in under four hours. Wendy is in love with two guys, and neither are her husband. On top of all that drama she has to kill the Vittra king, her father. Her mother's health is depleting and she starts to form a loving bond with her. Loki comes back to Forening but this time, to stay. Finn is jealous but he knows he has to work with Loki to form an Army.
Will Wendy choose Finn or Loki?

Book three - Ascend

To be honest this book took me a while to get into. I loved learning more about Loki though. We see relationships form and become more complicated. The way Amanda brought her characters to life was breathtaking throughout the series. This book was much more intense than the other but for good reason. I loved the entire book but the whole pregnancy thing at the end seemed forced. I felt that Amanda just added that because she felt she had to, not because she wanted to, because during the entire series it is emphasized how important it is to produce offspring to keep the Trylle alive. Over all I loved this series, but I don't think I'll read the Watersong series, I already heard negative reviews, but you never know, only time can tell if I'll give it a go or not. I'll miss reading about Wendy and everyone is her life dearly. Luckily I'll have these amazing paperbacks forever.

Do yourselves a favor and read this. I know the troll thing isn't appealing but trust me, you'll change your mind on the first page of Switched. 

Tryll series by Amanda Hocking: Book two - Torn


Wendy, along with Rhys and Matt, become prisoners of the Vittra. Wendy learns that her father may not be dead after all. She meets Vittra Markis, Loki.
Loki helps them escape. Wendy, Rhys and Matt return to Forening where Matt is full of questions and disbelief. Wendy is forced to Marry Tove, the most powerful Markis in Forening. She doesn't love him though, she loves Finn, but Finn is too caught up in duty to fight for their love. Loki comes back looking for Wendy, but fails and becomes the prisoner himself. Wendy fights to save Loki from being executed. Everyone sees Loki as a threat, except for Wendy.

Book two: Torn.

I loved this book as much as the first, maybe even more. Loki just captures your soul and makes you fall in love with him. He is every girl's guilty pleasure. I finished this book in a lot less than a day, I fell head over heels for the series. Amanda Hocking is so talented. Finn is still in the picture. Wendy still loves him, but she has to marry Tove. 

Tryll Series by Amanda Hocking : Book One - Switched


Wendy Everly always knew she was different. Her "mother" Kim, accused her of being switched at birth and tried to kill her. She has a mysterious ability, she could influence people to do things she wanted them to do. Finn, the new guy at her school shows up at her window one night and tries to convince her to leave with him to a place called Forening, to meet her real parents. She never thought that she was really switched at birth but after she spoke to Finn Holmes all made sense, although she didn't want to leave her Aunt Maggie and her "brother, Matt. But after a while she finds out her home town aren't the only ones who sent people out to look for her, because the Vittra (Forening's enemy) attacks her one night, but luckily Finn isn't far off, and rescues her and drags her off to Forening.

Wendy realizes her real mother isn't much of a charmer than her not-so-real mother. Elora her mother is queen of the trylle. She also has abilities to paint the future. Wendy meets Rhys, and realizes that he looks oddly like her brother Mat. 

She has a forbidden romance with Finn, who she falls deeply in love with, but decides to escape back home, with Rhys, to her not-so-real but "real" family.

Book one: Switched

I thought the book was brilliant. It was fast paced and perfectly written (I rarely say that). We see Wendy change and shift before our very eyes and we see all the other characters develop. Finn is sexy in my mind and anyone would want their relationship to work, but in book one it is a continuous struggle for love, and realism. The first book made me want to go straight to Bargain Books and buy the next one.

Coming up next is a review on Torn (book two)