Wednesday 19 December 2012

Another slice of ASTROLO-PIE!

The Virgo!

Also known as the maiden.

This sign is usually quiet and self contained and very efficient. The virgo can become a workaholic because all other signs rely on them. The virgo enjoys making lists, neatness, order, arts and crafts. They dislike Mess, dirt, disorganization, immodest behavior in others and noise.

The vrgio would do well in the Health profession.

Enjoy! all my astrology lovers! xoxo

New Header by...

So as you can see the amazing Jess has created a new banner for my blog! Please go look at her blog, there should be a link in one of my earlier posts!

Thanks Jess!!!

Monday 5 November 2012


Hey! today I joined a site called Storylane. It's a site where you can share your life stories or just write whatever you want. You can also put your blogspot posts on it.

What do I think about it?

I think the site is great if you're an aspiring writer or need to rant about something. Maybe even for a few fashion ideas. I wouldn't recommend this for a serious blogger at all, just because options of posts are limited   and doesn't give you much option for creativity. 

Storylane <--- click here

Monday 29 October 2012

Google +

You can add me on google plus by searching Thaila Delport or

Sunday 28 October 2012

The Debutantes Ball

Hey hey everyone so on Friday was the debs ball (held at Collisheen estate), first of all here are a few pics...

Us girls and our dates (I'm in silver).
My date and I (Colben Holmes).

Colben and I again, here you get a better view of my dress.

The night was amazing, the food was great and the music was good. I did not make it into the top 10 because I didn't raise enough funds, I raised about R2600. All together the Debutantes and Squires program raised over R55 000. The money was handed to the charities and the top ten and top three debutantes and squires were named. 

The top 3 debutantes and squires, 3rd place is Rynarhdt Botha (left), 2nd place is Gabby Kater (right) and 1st place is Angie De Agrela (middle).

My dress was a silver mermaid style gown (sleeveless) My boyfriend's suit was a black slim fit with a skinny tie. Most of the dresses were rented in a place in durban called Cinderella's and Colben's suit was rented at a place called Suit Yourself. Both places are situated in Kensington Square in Durban North. My shoes were brought from Zara.

Congratulations to the Top 3 and all the Debs and Squires for raising money for the less fortunate! Lets make next year an even better one!  

Saturday 27 October 2012

New blog to follow!!

Hey guyzzzzz please follow this amazeballs new blog, it is all about surfing, I promise you will love it! It's very new so just be patient! Click --> Monica

I will make an update on The debs ball very soon! Enjoy Monica's blog xxxx.

Thursday 25 October 2012

One more dayyy!

Only one more day until the debs ball, tomorrow I'll be up early, going for blood tests, then nails then hair... <3 apparently my boy has a surprise for mee! 

Monday 22 October 2012

And counting...

4 more days till the debutantes ball! Sorry i haven't posted in a while, been busy with the ball arrangements! 
My next post will be after the 26th October! I will be doing a huge post on the ball, maybe even a make-up tutorial but that is a big maybe! Does anyone have some ideas for a Halloween party for me that won't cost me a fortune to host?? 

Monday 15 October 2012

So the countdown begins until the prestigious debutantes Ball! 

Only two more weeks to go!!!!!! I think....

Wednesday 10 October 2012

I Heart this Market!!!!!

Sorry for posting so late, but as I said my computer has been giving me some problems...

I went to i heart market and bought a few interesting items...

Some must see stalls!

My crazy friends rocking the record table!

The most AMAZING tasting macaroons EVER!!

Yours truly, getting an awesome henna design on my foot! (It smudged after a little while).

Soap that smelled very...fruuuuiiiityyyy!

The thrift collection... visit for some amazing bargains!

Now for the things I actually bought!

My puuuurple backpack that cost me a little fortune...

A beautiful white, lase dress with a school girl type collar.

My controversial rock star shorts! (controversial because no one besides me liked them).

Me wearing the dress...

Behind the scenes...

A yummy McFlurry on the way home for all of us!

The scary stuff we do when we are bored.. that's me in the red and black top btw.

The mess in my room after we all unloaded our hot new buys... (My boy is the blondie).

And now...

I hope you enjoyed my I Heart Market presentation.. You can follow I Heart Market on Next time I'll try not to get my feet in the shots! 

Friday 5 October 2012

The day after this...

Hey! Be excited because tomorrow i"ll be writing about I HEART MARKET!! I'm not too sure what it is myself, but my friends say its pretty great, will be posting everything I buy A.S.A.P. 
This market sells many hand made crafts (hopefully some wardrobe pieces worth buying) if there are nice clothes I might post some outfit ideas... They are open every first Saturday of every month by the way so go check them out if you live in KZN (by Moses Mabida Stadium).

Thursday 4 October 2012

Book review!

Author:  L.J Smith
Publisher:  Simon and Schuster
Title:  Dark Visions

This book has been my favorite for a few years now, it is written by the author of the very famous, Night World series. The book is about a group of teenagers who have special abilities, who are chosen to go to a school called the Zetes Institute.

The main character, Kaitlyn is delighted to start over at Zetes. In her past she was shunned by the students at her previous school for being different, so she moves to Zetes to, hopefully, get to know some people who know what it feels like to be an outcast.

Although everything is perfect, and she makes some great friends, something evil lurks right around the corner...

The amazing book!

If you love mystery, action and romance I suggest you read this. If you love it I also suggest the Night World series and The Forbidden Game, also by L.J Smith.

Thanks JESS!


I need to say thank you to Jess  for creating my blog's Header! She's an amazing artist and blogger so I suggest you should go look at her blog! 

 the banner I chose
the more plain, but clean version

Tuesday 2 October 2012

A slice of astrolo-pie

The Libra

The Libra sign is in the form of scales. If  you are born on the 23rd of September - 22nd of October you are a Libra. The element of the Libra is air and they are usually positive people. The Libra always looks good in whatever they wear but tend to check in the mirror every now and then just to check. 

The Libra usually feels incomplete when they are not in a relationship and does anything possible to attract a partner. 

Ideally, this sign would stand back from emotions altogether, except when it comes to love. The need for a Libra to be in a relationship often leads them to making too many compromises and that lead to dissatisfication.

The Libra enjoys the arts, but hates differences of opinion.

Enjoy all my Libra friends!

Hello again!

Remember on my first post I mentioned that I was in the school production? We'll here's a picture to show you how that turned out...

My group onstage

The production was amazing and I had loads of fun at rehearsals, the long hours of practice were definitely worth it at the end of the day. We had two shows at first, but we squeezed in another because it was so fully booked. We had a show on the Wednesday, Thursday afternoon and Thursday night. Everyone was amazing on the night! Jess, from  also joined the play and played the piano!!

The reason I haven't been posting in a while is because I was on Holiday with my family and my boyfriend...

My boy and I in the bush somewhere in the middle of nowhere...

I'll post again soon xx

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Hey sorry I haven't posted in a while!!

I'm suuuuper busy right now with play rehearsals (burlesque themed) so we have to wear really "sexy" outfits. The play is a bit too provocative for an average Highschool  play if you ask me, but whatever, as a Drama student I've learned to just roll with whatever they make me do. I have to admit that this is one that may go down in Ashton history!! I'll post pics ASAP. Well anyway, right now I'm craving the ocean and the beautiful waves, and obviously to be side by side with my surfboard, but the waves have been bad lately so haven't been able to go out! 

The amazing beach front in DURBAN!!

Thursday 13 September 2012

The most romantic places for a date

The most romantic place for me, personally, would be the beach at sunset, having a picnic with candles lit everywhere. 
Maybe yours is somewhere in Paris, or a fancy restaurant, but whatever your dream destination is, here are some pics of the most romantic places in history.

This place gives off that warm relaxed feeling (a perfect place to fall inlove all over again).

A lake resort for two?

A trip to an exotic island with crystal clear water and pure white beach sand.

 A romantic candle lit dinner on the beach? Yes please!

A fresh summertime picnic in a field full of flowers.

For me, anything near water will be perfect, I am a pices after all.

What looks best for you?

Do you wanna know?

A little bit about one of the hottest bands right now?

An America Indie, Rock band formed by singer, Nate Ruess in late 2008 after his former band, The Format broke-up. They've released two albums so far called, aim and ignite and Some Nights. With deep and meaningful lyrics that touches on everything from faith to love. I'm sure you've guessed who i"m talking about! Fun. 

Here are some songs you absolutely must listen to by Fun.
  • Some Nights
  • All Alright
  • We are young
  • Why am I the one
Whichever song you listen to, you're guarenteed to love at least one of them! - My youtube channel where you can find most of Fun's songs along with many others.

the logo

the boys

Tuesday 11 September 2012

A little piece of astrolo-pie

The Gemini

Okay so, I may as well start off telling you some things about the Gemini today.
So, if you're born between the 21st of May and the 20th of June, this should interest you!

The Element of the Gemini is air, they are known as the twins. 
The Gemini is the most talkative out of all the signs, and refuses to grow old and always stays a child at heart.  They are uncomfortable with emotion and lack emotional resilience.

Picture of The two twins, the Gemini Glyph, and the wind element.

There will be more on the Gemini at a later date.


This is my new blog! I hope you all will like it and please give me some feedback if possible!

So with the holidays that are coming up I'll be working my butt off with my friends to raise funds for our school's Debutantes and Squires program. I'll be talking a lot about that for the next few months and giving you tips on how to make money for events such as these. The photos of the Debs and squires ball will also be put up in late October to show you some fancy attire!