Thursday 28 February 2013

Work... Agony... Pain... BREATHE

Hey guys I know I wanted to still do a whole lot this month but with so many tests and projects that are on my schedule, along with plans for my 16th birthday on Sunday, I have have had limited amount of time for leisure activities. To be honest, I haven't even glanced at my book that I'm writing, but you'd be happy to hear that I have finished two books in the past two weeks so after I read the third installment of the Tryll series I'll write a review. I'm beyond busy this weekend so I doubt you'll be hearing from me at all. I do apologize. Thank you for your patience. Oh, and I'm also busy waiting for buttons to be placed on my blog so you can easily reach me on Polyvore, Twitter and Tumblr (my tumblr isn't very impressive at the moment, I've only just started out.) Jess from The Famous Jess is designing the buttons, I'm seeing her this weekend so I'll remind her about that. Anyway I hope you know I feel lots of love for all of you!

Lately I have been feeling a lot of empathy towards everyone, I am trying to help people balance their emotional stress as best I can, So, please if anything is bothering you, I'm always here to talk, please never resort to anything unnecessary like suicide. I know there are many people who face depression, I am one of them but I do love my life most of the time, I'm on medication and that helps. If you ever need to talk and have someone listen with an open mind and open heart feel free to contact me. : 

Do not hesitate -  1800 247 100, the suicide helpline for 1life. Or, sms Help to 51444. 

I did say that I am busy, but I always, and I mean always have time to talk, if you email me I'll reply as soon as I can. I promise.

Lots of love guys. Remember there is always someone out there who cares. 

Above is for U.S viewers, I think 1life is for South African. 

We're never in something alone, somewhere, out there, someone is facing the same thing you are, and together we can get through our struggles, alive and strong. 

Sunday 24 February 2013

Love by Alexandra

"One of the most frustrating words in the human language, as far as I could tell, was love. So much meaning attached to this one little word. People bandied it about freely, using it to describe their attachments to possessions, pets vacation destinations, and favorite foods. In the same breath they then applied this word to the person they considered most important in their lives. Wasn't that insulting? Shouldn't there be some other term to describe deeper emotion? Humans were preoccupied with love. They were all desperate to form an attachment to a person they could refer to as "their other half". It seemed from my reading of literature that being in love meant becoming the beloved's entire world. The rest of the universe paled into insignificance compared to the lovers. When they were separated, each fell into a melancholy state, and only when they were reunited did their hearts start beating again. Only when they were together could they really see the colors of the world. When they were apart, that color leached away, leaving everything a hazy grey. I lay in bed wondering about the intensity of this emotion that was so irrational and so irrefutably human. What if a person's face was so sacred to you it was permanently inscribed in your memory? What if their smell and touch were dearer to you than life itself? Of course,  I knew nothing of human love, but the idea had always been intriguing to me. Celestial beings never pretended to understand the intensity of human relationships; but I found it amazing how humans could allow another person to take over their hearts and minds. It was ironic how love could awaken them to the wonders of the universe, while at the same time, confine their attention to one another." - Alenandra Adornetto, Halo

Coming soon.

So here's a layout of what I'm hoping to do before the end of this month.

  • Hate post on Harper Publishers for two reasons. 
  • Feature of L.J Smith
  • And possibly something else.
It's my birthday on The third of march so I'll take some pictures and post them up! xx

Saturday 23 February 2013

My fail Of a Photoshoot

Okay guys, so I promised you some pictures of Colben Holmes, I didn't get many because like all guys, he doesn't sit still, but I love the boy.

So here you go!! I realized that I pretty much suck at taking photo's, I'll stick with doing book reviews!!

Thursday 21 February 2013

First chapter giveaway

So I haven't finished the chapter yet but I scrapped the entire thing today and restarted. Yes you may feel sorry for me! hahaha it's much better than it was before so here's some bits that are unedited

From google images

 I drove along, forgetting, releasing all my energy into the steering wheel of my beloved impala. The car cruised perfectly along the rough tar that covered the highway. Boredom never came in the seven hours of driving, I was too caught up in my new car, the car I'd wanted since the raw age of seven. My parents always joked about buying me one for Christmas, now that I inherited their life savings I see that they could have, not that it would have been practical to give a seven year old a car. I settled for the latest collection of barbies that year. In retrospect I was never grateful enough to my parents, they gave me all I needed, paid for the best schools, the biggest house, bought me all that I wanted and more. I loved them though, they knew it. When they died I was angry, I wanted to die myself, I didn't want to be alone, I was angry that they left me but now I only grieve. While thinking about them I sent up a silent prayer into heaven to assure their safety. 

In case you're wondering, an impala is my dream car. 

I will be posting some of the second chapter soon and I'm doing my first photography thingie soon! haha anyway! Love you all xoxo

Tuesday 19 February 2013

My book!

Here's a very unedited few lines of my prologue.

He took off in the dead of night, making his way across the vast forest that enclosed his walled-off city. Trudging through the thick mud that made its way up his long boots. It slowed him but he had no time to waste. He had to get away before anyone suspected that he was missing. This, wandering off, in the middle of the night, was a bad idea, and he knew it. He didn't care though. He had to do this, if only to clear his head and make him come to his senses.

This is a small section and I'll be giving away some lines of each chapter. Only the unedited versions though. My first chapter should be done within the next two days. I haven't been reading too much, but I have a book that I'll start over the weekend. "Blood-Kissed Sky", the sequel to "Darkness Before Dawn".
I will be doing a review as soon as I'm done with it but I won't promise a set date. I'm extremely busy with writing. Thanks for your patience.

Picture from google images.

So on a less serious note... How was everyone's valentines day???

Oh umm I'm also doing my first attempt at photography and using my boyfriend, Colben Holmes as a model. Will Post the pics ASAP. xxxx 

Tuesday 12 February 2013

hush, hush...

A fallen angel, a forbidden love.

I honestly can't give you any details about the book because if I did I'd be going on and on about it for ages. The series has ended now with it's final installment, Finale. I fished the series yesterday.

The book is about Nora Grey a "normal" high school girl. Her dad died, apparently a murder, but no one knew who killed him. In this four book series Nora must find out who she is, what her love interest, Patch is, and learn things that she never fathomed could be real.

All four books are exhilarating and you'll find yourself plunged into the story within the first few pages. You feel Nora's love, hatred, despair... all her emotions come at you like an explosion. I must say, Becca Fitzpatrick, the author, is extremely talented in bringing all her characters to life. I found myself creating a bond with each character, as if I knew them on a personal level.

An end must come to each and every series, although, I wished that this one would have lasted  forever. As soon as I reached the last few chapters of Finale, my heart fell into pieces, because of the amazing words that were written on  the pages but mostly, because It would be the last time I'd get to spend time with Nora, Patch, Vee and all the other perfectly formed characters.

Now sitting here, writing down my thoughts, my heart is aching because it feels as if I have lost some truly great friends. I actually feel like I'm missing a funeral.

All four books kept me turning pages all night. They made me lose interest in sleep all together, I'd rather stay awake till' all hours of the night reading. Not one book left me disinterested, that amazes me because usually authors become less connected with their characters after a while, but not Becca, she makes me believe that she stuck with her characters all along making them entirely true to themselves.

All the books are named above in the pictures. 

I would rate this series a whopping 10/10.

Do you know what would be cool? If Becca decided that in a few years she'd write a short story about "the family life" of Nora and Patch and then call the book Encore!

lol, lots of love!!! xx

Monday 11 February 2013

Just some backround

Hey guys, I just wanna say that I don't always post everything from Polyvore onto my blog, you can go chec out my other creations, there was a link in one of my previous Posts. Oh, and I'm busy reading Finale, The final book of the Hush, hush series, I will be writing a review on the entire series as soon as I am finished with it, even though, as I recall, I have written a review on Hush, hush before... Anyway have a good week! Will probably be posting more stuff from Polyvore in the meantime! xx Love you all, also remember to chec out, The Famous Jess and Living in a Sandcastle!! Lots of love!! 

For the love of red birds

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Mediator Series...Meg Cabot

"I can see ghosts. I can talk to ghosts. And, if necessary, I can kick some serious ghost butt."

Get thrown into the amazing life of Susannah Simon with her unearthly gift to see trapped and tortured souls. This book kept me turning pages all through the night. It's seriously one of my favorite series yet! She is required to send the souls into their next realm, but when she finds an unsuspecting guest living in her new bedroom, will she do whats right, and send the dashing young lad away to the afterlife, or slip into crazy and irrational love with him? I highly recommend this six part series to all who believe in life after death and maybe even love after life. The person responsible for this exciting, fast-paced novel is Meg Cabot, also author of The princess diaries and the Abandoned series! I could just read this series again and again and never get bored!!

Check it out guys, you won't regret! xxx


Hey my loves. How are you all doing?

Anyway I found this site through a friend. It's really fun and oh so easy! If you love fashion and design its the place to be! Please check it out and follow me if you want! I go by thailadelport just click the link to get started