Monday 11 February 2013

Just some backround

Hey guys, I just wanna say that I don't always post everything from Polyvore onto my blog, you can go chec out my other creations, there was a link in one of my previous Posts. Oh, and I'm busy reading Finale, The final book of the Hush, hush series, I will be writing a review on the entire series as soon as I am finished with it, even though, as I recall, I have written a review on Hush, hush before... Anyway have a good week! Will probably be posting more stuff from Polyvore in the meantime! xx Love you all, also remember to chec out, The Famous Jess and Living in a Sandcastle!! Lots of love!! 


  1. Oh and it looks like I haven't yet done the review! More for you all to see! xxx
